Saturday, October 24, 2020

Robotics & STEAM Are Up and Running

 Mrs. Pontius and Mr. McCarthy have started our new Robotics/STEAM classes and our students are working remotely with VEX robotics kits and creating some pretty great projects. 

VEX Robotics Kits are distributed as "grab & go" 

Mr. McCarthy's STEAM
Creative tasks offer an opportunity for students to use the coding elements they have learned thus far to a project of their own design.  They may choose to create a scene, a simple game, an interactive experience or anything else they can think of.  It is a great way to showcase new skills they have learned in python and for them to spark a sense of what they can now create with code.

Exploring Computer Science:
Students are studying coding, game and app design using Make Code Arcade from Microsoft.  Platformer video games are characterized by their heavy use of jumping and climbing to navigate the player's environment and reach their goal.  Students have to build their own scenes, control statements, sprites, functions and event handlers using JavaScript. The early results are far beyond my expectations for introductory game design.